Types of Test on Bricks in Civil Engineering Building Material - Civil Crush

Test on bricks

The following laboratory tests may be done to ascertain the suitability of bricks:

(i) Crushing Strength

(ii) Absorption        

(iii) Shape and Size

(iv) Inflorescence.

(i) Crushing Strength: A brick sample is immersed in water for 24 hours. The brick frog is filled with 1:3 cement mortar and the sample is placed in a moist jute bag for 24 hours and then immersed in clean water for 24 hours. The specimen is placed in a compression testing machine with 6 mm plywood at the top and bottom to obtain uniform load on the specimen. The load is then applied axially at a uniform rate of 14 N/mm2. The crushing load is noted. Then the crushing strength is the ratio of the crushing load to the brick loaded area. The average crushing power of five samples is taken as.

(ii) Absorption Test: The brick sample is dried and weighed. They are then immersed in water for a period of 24 hours. The sample is removed and wiped with a cloth. The weight of each sample is determined in the wet state. The difference in weight reflects the water absorbed. Then the percentage absorbance is the ratio of absorbed water to dry weight multiplied by 100. An average of five samples are taken. This value should not exceed 20 percent.

 (iii) Size and Shape: The bricks should be of standard size and the sides should be rectangular with sharp edges. To test this, 20 bricks are chosen at random and they are stacked along the length, along the width and then along the height. For standard bricks of size 190 mm × 90 mm × 90 mm. IS Code allows the following limitations:

By length: 3680 to 3920 mm

By width: 1740 to 1860 mm

By height: 1740 to 1860 mm.

The following field tests help in locating good quality bricks:

(i) Uniformity in size

(ii) Uniformity in color

(iii) Structure

(iv) hardness test

(v) sound test

(vi) Strength test.

(i) Uniformity in Shape: A good brick should have a rectangular flat surface and uniform in size. This is done by observation in the check field.

(ii) Uniformity in Colour: A good brick will have uniform colour. This observation can be made before buying a brick.

(iii) Structure: Some bricks can be broken in the field and their cross-section can be seen. The section should be homogeneous, compact and free from defects such as holes and lumps.

(iv) Sound Test: If two bricks are struck together they should produce a clear ringing sound. The sound should not be monotonous.

(v) Hardness Test: A simple field test for this is to scrape the brick with a nail. If there is no mark on the surface, the brick is hard enough

(vi) Efflorescence: Presence of alkali in brick is not desirable as they absorb moisture to form brown powdery patches. Hence to determine the presence of alkali this test is done as mentioned below:

Place the brick sample in a glass vessel containing water to a depth of 25 mm in a well-ventilated room. Water again to a depth of 25 mm after all the water has been absorbed or evaporated. Inspect the bricks for white/grey patches after the second evaporation. Observations are reported as meaning 'zero', 'slight', 'moderate', 'heavy' or severe

(a) Zero: no patch

(b) Minor: 10% area covered with deposit

(c) Medium: 10 to 50% of the area is covered with deposits but unaccounted for with surface layer.

(d) Heavy: More than 50 percent of the area is covered by deposits but not with a layer of surface.

(e) Serious: Heavy deposition of salt along the surface layer.

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